~February Recap~

february recap

Every single time I sit down to write these posts, I think, “What even happened this month??”

This month, actually, the answer is: not a lot? Like, not a lot out of the ordinary? I just kinda kept doing the life-ing and the doing.

This recap post might not be very long.

Life Happenings

My mom bought me a beautiful Creative Bible and a set of gel pens.





The Bookshelf

I’m still plugging through The Return of the King and I’m almost finished! Yay me! Especially since I requested an ARC of Reclaiming Shilo Snow by Mary Weber and… I haven’t read the first book in the series. And I think my request got approved. So now I have The Evaporation of Sofi Snow from the library and I’m trying to eat through ROTK as fast as I can so I can eat Sofi Snow by the time Shilo Snow gets here.

(That was a wild sentence, y’all.)








*cue screaming*

Yuuuuus I started writing it about mid-February. It’s going a little slow, but I’m trying to work away at it. I think it’s coming along pretty well??? The plot is so huge, y’all. I don’t think I’ll be able to wrangle it all into words in the first draft. But I’m okay with that. I can edit in the right details later.




I published a blog post every single Saturday this month???

Since when has that ever happened??

(Aside from WIPjoy???)

ANYWHO YES I managed to publish a blog post every single week this month! We even had our first guest post on the blog in form of my lovely friend Deborah. I do believe her post in the middle of the month really enabled me to keep up with the other two weeks. I’ve always wanted to post more regularly, once a week ideally, and this month that became a reality! I’m so excited to see if I can this up in coming months. I certainly have PLENTY of blog post ideas for it.

Anyway, to recap, the posts here on Lisa Pickle were, January Recap, Perfection, Draft Zero by Deborah O’Carroll, and last week’s announcement of my new Printable!

Ashley Tahg at hushashleyspeaks reviewed The Perfect Nanny and talked about her birthday on the 11th!

Kara Benz at BohoBerry has been doing a One Month in my Bullet Journal series on Youtube (i’m not addicted at all).

Bullet Journal

Yes, I am fully aware that I haven’t yet shown y’all my 2018 BuJo set up. I’m getting there. Patience.

(Also maybe hound me night and day until I finally write y’all that promised post.)

Anyway, I changed up how I did my dailies. I’m doing them vertical on the page instead of horizontal. I thought I would hate it but it’s actually working out really well.



And I’ve been playing around with ideas for a mood-slash-gratitude log.


And my monthly spreads are getting slightly out of hand because of all the inserts I keep taping in (one on top of another; we’ve reached a new level).




I hope you enjoyed this (somewhat brief) recap video! May you all have a lovely March ^.^

Much love

Your Pickle

10 thoughts on “~February Recap~

  1. Pretty creative Bible is pretty! Wow to all the reading — I hope that goes well! :D *seriously needs to reread LOTR sometime when my life is NOT insane* CONGRATS ON STARTING BROKEN WING AGAIN! :D That I’m-finally-writing-again feeling is GLORIOUS and I miss it. :P Woohoo, congrats on a weekly post all month! I had so much fun guest posting! ^_^ Oooh, I like your vertical dailies… NICE. My current journal is tall and thin so I dunno if that would work for me, but I like the idea… :D Thanks for shariiing! Hope you have an amazing March! <3

  2. I love that circle of words in your Bullet Journal! That is SO COOL. I set up a ridiculously terrible reading journal but it’s mostly just printed stuff since I’ve given up on my own handwriting. 😂 But I’m happy with it! I’m tracking what I write too. (ah haha says me who hasn’t written anything all year.)

    HEY I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE WRITING BW AGAIN!! I haven’t had a chance to read that chapter yet but I can’t wait. 😍😍

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